
  • Journal of Language Education Studies

    Journal of Language Education Studies merupakan jurnal akses terbuka. Kami menyediakan wadah bagi akademisi, peneliti, dan praktisi untuk menyumbangkan temuan dan wawasan mereka tentang berbagai aspek pendidikan bahasa dan kaitannya dengan teori dan praktik pendidikan. Kami berkomitmen untuk mempertahankan standar editorial yang tinggi dan proses peer review yang ketat untuk memastikan kualitas dan validitas karya yang diterbitkan. Jurnal ini diterbitkan dua kali setahun pada bulan Februari dan Agustus oleh Matinul Khuluq Indonesia (MKI).

  • Journal of Social Service Studies

    JoSSS : Journal of Social Service Studies aims to facilitate the publication of works that summarize the results of community service and empowerment programs. Community service or empowerment programs need to fall into one or more of the following scopes: human development in the fields of education and humanities, poverty alleviation, management of rural and coastal areas with local wisdom, economic development, entrepreneurship, creative industry, pharmacy, and health.

  • Journal of Education and Social Science

    JoESS : Journal of Education and Social Science is a national peer-reviewed academic journal that highly values the importance of developing knowledge in the field of multidisciplinary educational and innovative research. The journal's scope is broad, with the goals of disseminating information and providing a place for discussion, theoretical inquiry, practical applications, research discoveries, and experimentations in the field of education. JoESS is maintained and supervised by Mathinul Khuluq Indonesia (MKI)