The Use of Symbolism in Buginese Ancestors’ Message: A Semantic Study


  • Darfan Atmawijaya Universitas Negeri Makassar
  • Sunardi Hasyim Universitas Negeri Makassar
  • Abdollah Abdollah Universitas Negeri Makassar
  • Syahril Syahril SMPN 1 Mangkutana


Symbolism, Buginese, Ancestors’ Message, Semantic Study


This study aims to analyze symbolism in Buginesse ancestors message specially in Pappaseng to Riolo. A packet of message of the old man testament in Buginisse Tribe. In getting the truly and accurate data, the writes used the library research which is to obtain more theoretical principles needed in the writing of this study. The writer reads some books and other materials which are closely related to the main problem of this writing. The writer discusses the Semantic side. By analyzing the semantic, we will know the meaning those contents in the Pappaseng. And also we can know what is the main meaning and the aim of using that symbol.


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How to Cite

Atmawijaya, D., Hasyim, S., Abdollah, A., & Syahril, S. (2025). The Use of Symbolism in Buginese Ancestors’ Message: A Semantic Study. Journal of Language Education Studies, 1(1), 38–55. Retrieved from